Here are a couple of reasonably in depth reviews of Psycho.
This site is interesting. The psychology of Alfred Hitchcock.
This particular paragraph talks about Hitchcock's attitude's to women and more so, mother figures.
"Yet Hitchcock's own psychology remains a mystery. Famously, he had ambivalent views towards women, and his relationships with his cast, particularly the leading ladies, were rocky. Generally, mothers are powerful characters in Hitchcock's films. "A boy's best friend is his mother," Norman Bates tells Marion Crane in Psycho. Freud would have concluded that Hitchcock's attitude towards women, and his obsession with strong mother figures, is probably due to Hitchcock's experiences of his own mother, who sometimes made the young Hitchcock stand at the foot of her bed for several hours as a punishment (this is alluded to in a scene in Psycho).
Hitchcock once said that "the way to get rid of my fears is to make films about them"; his films can, therefore, be regarded as projections, conscious or otherwise, of his own neuroses onto the silver screen. Some critics have suggested that Hitchcock had a severely pathological psychology."
Here are some images from the film which may or may not be useful to put into the presentation.
And will someone please change the name of the blog.